Patty Ripley
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What is intuitive painting?

Intuitive painting is an art-based mindfulness practice.

It brings you into the flow state which is unlimited and wildly alive. It’s a powerful intuitive, spiritual, and creative practice. And like all practices, commitment and devotion will enhance your ability to open up what may be holding you back.

These sessions are designed to transform your relationship to your inner aliveness. We each have an unlimited creative source to access that’s patiently waiting for us to play with it. We ARE this energy. Are you ready to reconnect?

In this practice, you learn the difference between this loving intuitive intelligence and your analytical/judging mind. You begin to develop a solid allegiance with your soul’s callings and your heart’s desires. The truth of you begins to express more freely and confidently in your life. Transformation happens at a deep level.


Intuitive Process Painting explained in this interview with

Louise Fletcher for her Art Tribe Masterclass

Who is it for?

 intuitive painting is for you if:

  • You want to experience creating just for yourself and not for others.

  • You crave a practice that’s wildly free! That invites you to let go of perfectionism, comparison, and outside validation.

  • You want to reconnect with and trust your innermost wisdom and aren’t doing this often in your day to day routine.

  • You’re ready to shift into a new stage in life, embrace spiritual guidance and transform old cultural ways and limiting beliefs that aren’t serving you anymore.

  • You aren’t making creating a priority and feel stuck.

  • You just want more play and permission to be messy and wild!

  • You desire authentic, full emotional expression both in paint and in life. You MATTER!

  • You want to be in community with others in a supportive, open-hearted and non-judging way.


  • You believe that creativity is only about art techniques, skill development and expertise.

  • You only desire to create pretty art products in the same mindless and predictable way.

  • You really like how the inner critic manages your life.

  • You’ve no desire to develop a strong connection with and to trust your inner knowing and heart’s desires.

  • You only want to copy another person’s style and not discover your own unique expression.

  • You’re unwilling to explore your shadow side and only want to focus on light.

  • Personal transformation and growth does not interest to you.